

I speak in proverbs elastic,
the Can-do-em Anglerican spirit
based on French letters,

tennised Anginas
from the rock-bottom
of my hardon.

All my rubbered loves begadget,
wrestled to the sound
(coffee-klatching at oilslushed tub rainbows)

and the spurious, at the interdiction
that stained okra for
the introduction that aquainted and opted

and blessed to 'em each as shown,
a knee-bent most unexpectorated
by anyone who was christening

the spotless spittled souls
who were glory and spurted badges
on the floor but missed the mainstream

by half a sales figure. So disposed ...

Forth width, length myths
of long vowels and short shrift.
Gift me a spliff, man, I'm bereft of the magi.

Or am I treble-cleffed
of the birdseye view of a flatted fifth?,
liquid magma once limpid now unsipid

by pro-quid pricks.
Stop it, stupid.

and diamonded,
all happy emeralds after.

Shark fin.

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