
read some words: an "up and coming" poetic attraction

so this website is getting increased hits
like a couple thousand a day
it's called "read some words"
I call it the "magic frog place"
but you don't have to

they're putting out a chapbook
fittingly titled "read some words"
it has complicated cover art, think it was "graphic designed"
by an "up and coming graphic designer"

I might have to check it out
it might have a "poppin" Zach Zimmerman remix by me
as well as some old faves, like t.r. castillo ryan manning david fishkind

it will be great
I will give a copy to my mom
so she'll know what "hip, fresh lit" looks like

*edit - I forgot to mention dj berndt's contribution. rumor has it finnegan's wake is just html code for a naked picture of him. rumor unconfirmed.


X said...

i like your tone in this

i think you are funny

DJ Berndt said...

I wish I was an old favorite

Michael Hessel-Mial said...

oh no! i'm changing it right now

Michael Hessel-Mial said...

sorry dj!

. said...

"Finnegan's Wake" is a ballad that arose in the 1850s in the music-hall tradition of comical Irish songs.

david fishkind said...

dude, i'm an 'old fave'

this seems sweet