
three important things in numerical order


my Pangur Ban Party

poems are on the internets!

Check out that and the other great work on that page.

Double thanks to DJ for putting me on it.


I've started a remix website

for people who want to remix things

into other things.

It's called "A Blog of Remixes of Exceptional Quality."

It's going to start with my remix

of Kristen Shaw's "We Are Only Bodies" series

on Pangur Ban Party.

If you have a remix that you'd like posted,

send me an email at


I will post any other remix projects, such as:

the ongoing battle between Zach Zimmerman and I

a possible megamix of Tao Lin's upcoming
"Shoplifting from American Apparel"

a historical fiction remix dialogue
between T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound

as well as other attempts to live up to the 'postmodern condition'

Let's have some fun!


Read Some Words has become paper ink and glue.

Send an email to orders@readsomewords.com

if you want a copy which you do

read and enjoy!


sylvia maria said...

"between Zach Zimmermann and me", not "between Zach Zimmermann and I"

Michael Hessel-Mial said...

oh snap

I just got grammared

X said...

is this clare mannion

michael, think about all the 'ways' 'redpencil' is definitely 'clare mannion'

X said...

or ryan manning, maybe it is ryan manning

. said...

who is this clare mannion you speak of

. said...

and when is she going to let me hit it

Michael Hessel-Mial said...

when she stops being zach zimmerman's girlfriend oh snap

X said...


if someone asked me "what's the funniest thing" i would say, "this one comments thread on michael hessel mial's blog

i updated my review of your poems

i think it is better now

. said...

A faux pas (pronounced /ˌfoʊˈpɑː/, plural: faux pas /ˌfoʊˈpɑː(z)/) is a violation of accepted social rules.

Michael Hessel-Mial said...

haha oh ryan

I've checked this comments thread a lot lately

redpencil if you ever check this again please note that I didn't change the grammar mistake

"we as humans live our lives in broken speech-objects" or something

. said...

Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths of light discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–740 nm.

. said...

A pencil is a writing or drawing device consisting of a slippery, thin stick of pigment (usually graphite, but can also be colored pigment or charcoal) and clay, usually encased in a thin wood cylinder, though paper and plastic sheaths are also used.

. said...

Girlfriend is a term that can refer to either a female partner in a non-marital romantic relationship or a female non-intimate friend that is closer than other friends.

. said...

In linguistics, grammar refers to the logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language.

. said...

Allen Kelsey Grammer (born February 21, 1955), best known as Kelsey Grammer, is an American actor best known for his two-decade portrayal of psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane in the NBC sitcoms Cheers (nine years) and Frasier (eleven years), and providing the voice of Sideshow Bob on the FOX animated series The Simpsons.

sylvia maria said...

Incorrect grammar is cute in toddlers and funny in BORAT. All other instances are considered on a case-by-case basis.

1979: Please don't change anything on my account.

And I like your quote about broken speech-objects.