
in lieu of poem this post will be dedicated to essex hemphill


ever since watching tongues untied i have wanted to write poems like you

'kind of a gay black lou reed' but not really


if i wrote poems like you would i be doing the right thing

or would i be a white kid stealing a 'black thing'


ron silliman has review of SFAA that does not mention the following words: hipster, ennui, camus

it is well-thought, and i now will be less hard on him

my poetry seems to be best at the breaking point of my academic work,

i feel nervous about my academic work


thanks again

i will write a poem in your style soon

read this and this and and this


jenna said...

poems about poems.

jenna said...
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X said...

i think i'm going to miss 1979

Michael Hessel-Mial said...


considering changing the title of my blog to "Micheal Hessel-Mial (sic)"

the connections between the 'black experience' and the 'jewish experience' have been overplayed by my community

i think we're going to be ok

. said...

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