
Positions of Horse

1. The "Big Picture"

I'd prefer hothouse for greenhouse,

red sand cube grooved with jazz and bricks
and dust.

I'm storing the tanks and bullets
in a glass jar with earth

and sea at the bottom,

and a horse wearing 3D specs, trying
to look through.

2. From the outside

The underwater horse still looks green
and horsey splashing around

That green horse seen underwater looks horsey
even if it's splashing and shit

That horse looks horsey after all that water

Horsey horsey horsey...

Horsey is lost at sea
because there is more water than anything else.

3. From the inside

It seems all horses are leather bags
filled with wood, cotton balls, swirls of foam
and metal gears that mysteriously work.

But in parentheses,
black streaks of clouds
when you look too fast

and sneakers crashing lightning storms
into the sky

and digital twinkles for his girlfriend,

and a computer program will make
mosquitos and horses and pigs
pop and lock to Chaka Khan's "I'm Every Woman,"

and all the way down the road
you've been walking up the sky
and falling down another person.

1 comment:

Mike Bushnell said...

horses in 3d goggles. now that is a party.