
Do you think this title is cool enough to make the free book from it a success?

The title is "A field of colors," and references to colors are always great. Here is the blurb cycle:

"charles lennox turned in this fantastically explosive text A FIELD OF COLORS to ml press & we, well, we wanted to share it with everyone.

email me at author@aboutjatyler.com with your mailing address & I will send you a copy of this volume, free.

current subscribers will also receive this free title; in fact, it will be in the mail today, so keep an eye out.

this will continue through the entire month of june, so please link, post, etc. - let's see how many copies of this volume we can get out and into the world.

& if you like it, then think about a six-month subscription: $36 = 18 more volumes + our first novel(la) WE TAKE ME APART by molly gaudry.

we hope, above all else, that this email finds you well.


j. a. tyler & ml press"

When I emailed j.a. tyler offering to pay shipping because I felt bad for being a freeloader he responded saying, "nope. our treat."


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